Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Twitter and Facebook, Facebook and Twitter!

Have you jumped on the band wagon and join either Facebook or Twitter yet? Did you know some manufacturers offer coupons JUST for Facebook users? The same goes for Twitter! Just recently there was a contest one of my favorite baby food manufacturers put on. If you were the 1000th follower they would send you some coupons. I sat diligently refreshing he screen in hopes number 999 popped up so I could rush in and be number 1000! Do you know what happened? My computer froze up on me at #999! Figures! I sent out a tweet stating what happened but was happy to be #1001. Much to my surprise I received some AWESOME coupons in the mail a few days later! Don't want to sign up for Facebook or Twitter even though there are great deals to be found? Not to worry! You can see my Twitter updates from my blog!

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