Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Update about Babies R Us Issues

If you missed my first post, you can find it here. I sent a tweet out and Babies R Us saw it. I guess they contact the powers that be over at BRU because the next morning on my way to the grocery store someone from the Executive Offices of Babies R Us called me! WOW!!!! I was so nervous talking to them! lol She was very nice, as everyone else I had talked to had been, and offered me a $25 gift card in hopes we would continue shopping with them. I told her again my issue was not really with the store in general but the warehouse. She said she was well aware of what happened and they were looking into it internally and will get it fixed. $25 will buy a lot of baby food, especially when pared with good coupons. ;)


Megan Ward said...

WOW! -- Just read your babies r us story! That was crazy! I would be mad as well. Glad things got worked out though.

Did you get a good deal on a new carseat?!


The Creative Princess said...

Still have not received the GC though.

Yeah, we got a booster for $45! lol